ADHD Dopamine Menu Template
ADHD Dopamine Menu Template
What this is:
Directions, idea bank, and a cute template to make your own Dopamine Menu!
Who this is for:
People who struggle with motivation and want to prevent burnout.
What it will help with:
Motivation, procrastination, functional freeze, executive dysfunction, task initiation, burnout.
Why this helps:
People with ADHD have less access to dopamine than people without ADHD, and this can make it difficult to initiate tasks. A Dopamine Menu is a great tool for replenishing dopamine (or creating a dopamine “ramp”) to help you build up to doing the tasks you’ve been struggling to start!
How to use it:
Download, print it out, fill it out, and hang it up in a key place where you’ll see it all the time. You can also put this in your ADHD Toolbox binder! Additional directions and tips are directly on the download :)